
Thursday May 4 2023


The Wheel of Fortune is one of the most enigmatic tarot cards, representing the ups and downs of life, the cycles of fate, and the inevitability of change. At its core, the Wheel of Fortune is a symbol of destiny, reminding us that our lives are shaped by forces beyond our control.

In the traditional Rider-Waite deck, the Wheel of Fortune depicts a large wheel with various symbols, such as a snake, an angel, a sphinx, and a winged lion. At the center of the wheel, there is a figure, often interpreted as either a representation of the divine or the individual soul. The wheel is turning, suggesting that the figure is subject to the whims of fate and the ups and downs of life.


Friday May 5 2023

Three of Wands

The Three of Wands is a powerful tarot card that represents expansion, growth, and the exploration of new horizons. In the traditional Rider-Waite deck, the card depicts a figure standing on a cliff overlooking the sea, holding three wands, while ships sail in the distance. The imagery suggests that the figure is at a crossroads, ready to embark on a new journey or venture.

The Three of Wands is often interpreted as a symbol of vision, foresight, and planning. It suggests that the figure has taken the first steps towards a new project or idea, and is now looking towards the future with anticipation and excitement. The ships in the distance represent new opportunities and possibilities, and the figure's open stance suggests a willingness to embrace these opportunities and take risks.

When the Three of Wands appears in a tarot reading, it can indicate a need to expand one's horizons and explore new options. This could be related to a career change, travel, or a new creative endeavor. The card can also suggest a need to trust in one's vision and take calculated risks to achieve one's goals.

At its core, the Three of Wands is a card of optimism and hope. It encourages us to think big, dream big, and take action to make our dreams a reality. The card reminds us that anything is possible if we are willing to take the first steps towards our goals and embrace the unknown.In summary, the Three of Wands is a card of expansion, growth, and exploration. It encourages us to be open to new possibilities and take risks to achieve our goals. By embracing our vision and taking action towards our dreams, we can create a bright and exciting future for ourselves.